Friday, May 16, 2014

Harper government trying to distance itself from Ukraine fiasco .....

a fiasco that Stephen Harper and his Cons were very much involved in straight after their sojourn to Israel. Who can forget how Harper sent his minions to hop around with the maidan hooligans?   Interfering in regime change so blatantly will have its consequences in the next election.  Brace yourselves to see many talented and promising  individuals from the Conservative Party  losing their ridings and having to bid farewell to their political careers .... and all because of a Prime Minister we thought was a superstar who would not make any political mistakes.  Trying to please and cozy up to the rich individuals with multiple citizenship from the Ukrainian diaspora in Canada  was Harper's biggest mistake ever.  
I hope I am wrong and the next Federal election won't be a total disaster for the Conservatives, because in spite of everything that's happened in the last year, the Conservative party is the least disastrous  party when compared to the other two. 

And, from the article below one can see how aggressive the Harper govt got on the number of  sanctions stamped on Russia. The USA has placed sanctions on about 60 individuals and business and our wonderful Harper sanctioned over 80.

David L.Junggren and Euan Rocha writing at Reuters:
.....Canada broke with the United States and did not impose sanctions on two key allies of Russian President Vladimir Putin because the pair had Canadian business interests, according to sources familiar with the matter.

The revelation puts into question the government's tough line on Russia over the crisis in Ukraine. Prime Minister Stephen Harper recently compared Putin's actions to those of Adolf Hitler in the run-up to World War Two.

Canada, home to 1.2 million people of Ukrainian descent, has imposed sanctions on more than 80 Russian and Ukrainian officials and businesses, compared to about 60 by the United States.

But unlike the United States, Canada has not moved against Sergei Chemezov, who heads state-owned industrial and defense conglomerate Rostec, and Igor Sechin, CEO of oil giant Rosneft . Both men, who are close to Putin, have business ties to Canada.

Rosneft owns some 30 percent of a Canadian oil field, while Rostec has an aircraft assembly joint venture lined up with Bombardier Inc. The venture is vital to the Canadian plane and train maker, as the fate of a roughly $3.4 billion aircraft sale deal is tied to it........

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