
Monday, May 5, 2014

USA's propaganda machine has stiff competition and it's not welcomed

Hah! Everybody has their day. America has been a good teacher but the students are becoming smarter.

From BenSwann:
....Ben Swann was a guest   on the new RT show “In The Now” Wednesday, where he was asked about claims by the U.S. State Department that RT is a propaganda channel.

“Is RT speaking to people in the United States the way that other media are not? Without question, the answer is yes.” says Swann
Swann claims that the State Department is concerned about the message of RT and other non U.S. media beginning to break through and pointed out that only a short time ago, then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called for the United States to create “its own government propaganda channel to compete with RT, China’s CCTV TV and Press TV from Iran.”

Asked about the claim that only 6 companies in the United States control nearly all media, Swann pointed out that some of those companies have changed ownership since 2011 when that claim was first popularized but that the number of media companies in control hasn’t really changed. He also pointed out that even local television in the United States is controlled by a handful of companies.

“Local media, local TV stations are owned by a variety of different owner but even then you have this enormous concentration of power where one company might own TV stations in 50 or 60 TV markets and provide content for all of those TV markets. So, at the end of the day you have a lot of information being concentrated in very few hands.” says Swann.

“The Cable News audience in America, national news audience is shrinking. Old media is dying in this country and new media is rising.”..........

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