Wednesday, May 28, 2014

USA funded and trained terrorists give interviews to Frontline ....

but the documentary itself is a POS.

You will, however, see how the USA supplies Russian made weapons so the gullible will think it's the Russians, and only the Russians,  supplying arms to conflict areas.  
Of course, the USA-made documentary is slanted to be favorable to the USA's image but many will see through the hypocrisy of it all.  
This documentary is aligned to be shown to the American public just when the news is out that Obama regime is clearly aiming to arm and fund the rebels even more.  If not the Obama regime directly,  then there are plenty of billionaires all over America with deep pockets and ulterior motives for destroying historical Syria and these individuals are panting and drooling to supply the terrorists with weaponry.
Even though the Ghouta chemical attack is now widely known to have been a false flag, the documentary still weaves it in as Assad's doing.  
That should tell you the kind of elements that went into the making of this POS.

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