Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Plight of refugees in Spain and France feature largely in Human Rights report ...

just released. 

From Human Rights report
...Tens of thousands of Spanish families have faced, or are currently facing, eviction from their homes after falling behind on mortgage payments, with households headed by women and immigrants among those hardest hit. ......

.....Busloads of riot police have arrived at migrants camps in the French city of Calais this morning to begin expelling those living there. Around 800 migrants from Asia, the Middle East and Africa are occupying camps near the city's port. Many migrants are trying to reach Britain, and say they have nowhere to go once the camps are destroyed. But French authorities say the camps must be cleared to deal with an outbreak of scabies. ....

.......The deliberate targeting of journalists in Libya seems to have one objective: muzzling free speech and political dissent. Human Rights Watch says that almost three years after the fall Muammar Gaddafi, it’s "a national tragedy" that journalists still can’t express their views without fearing arrest, attack, and even death.......

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