Thursday, May 22, 2014

The reason why Canada's conservative govt. is in love with Muslim countries and their dictators .....

is because those countries buy our Canadian manufactured weapons of mass destruction.  When, when did Canada become such a warmongering country?  From Peacekeepers to such aggressive Warmongers? When and how did this ugly turnaround come about? 

Ben Makuch writing at VICE:
.....Canada Is Selling Arms  to Everyone It Can.
While Canada exports oil, maple syrup, and hockey players, it also deals a lot of arms. And Canadian military exports are growing: the latest available figures say sales jumped more than 50 percent from 2010 to 2011, with later years reportedly expected to spike.

Which is why it isn’t surprising the Harper government is endorsing CANSEC—Canada’s premier defense trade show—and officially encouraging all Canadian armed forces personnel to attend the event in Ottawa less than two weeks from now......

......Besides international firms, CANSEC is showcasing the military technology scene in Canada—and it’s booming. Revision Military, a Montreal-based firm, just sold 90,000 next-generation helmets to the US Department of Defense, with countries like Denmark lining up for the future-soldier tech. It’s “Batlskin Viper” head gear brings to mind a Halo helmet. It has a lightweight polyethylene shell with protection from blunt force, blast, and ballistic threats, and a multipurpose front mount for all your night vision goggle needs.

When it comes to military technology, drones are Canada’s bread and butter with emerging companies all over the country. In 2011, little-known Waterloo company Aeryon dealt drones to Libyan rebels fighting General Gadaffi. Since, the Canadian drone company is known to count Saudi Arabia, the Canadian Forces, RCMP, and the US Army as clients. Aeryon specializes in surveillance drones and is the market standard for remote controlled systems the average Joe can master in minutes. It's currently rebranding their drones for commercial use in new agriculture and scientific markets, perhaps to shake connections with a dirty Libyan war and expand profits.

From a government perspective, it’s no secret Harper is touting the emergence of Canadian arms tech as potentially lucrative business. He’s now mixing diplomacy with weapons pitches and questionable human rights records don’t disqualify customers.

Another Canadian company showcasing at CANSEC already has a lucrative production deal courtesy of the government. In February, through diplomatic channels Harper's negotiators helped a lubricate a $10 billion deal for General Dynamics Canada to build light armoured vehicles for the Saudi Arabian Army, a country known for public beheadings and not letting women drive. 

There's a reason arms dealing is all the rage in Canada. With the War On Terror winding down and Canada’s own inglorious exit from a long Afghan mission, western nations are looking to recoup costs. One way is through weapons deals to foreign buyers......

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