Thursday, May 22, 2014

Have you heard of "political nudity"?

That's the term the disgusting FEMEN have come up with. 
Also, according to this ferocious tigress, "FEMEN is an anti-religion movement."

Below is a small extract from a very interesting article on the corruption in Ukraine.

Scott Locklin writing at Taki's Magazine:
...Ukraine’s GDP per capita is at $3,900/year. Influence is cheap in a country so poor. The Russians are obviously interfering in Ukraine’s political process. What is unsaid in the Western media is that so are the EU and the US State Department. The political system is so corrupt in Ukraine, nobody even bothers hiding it. The late pro-Western oligarch Boris Berezovsky admitted to funding large parts of the “Orange Revolution” nine years ago. Ukrainska Pravda, one of the bolder opposition newsletters, is openly funded by the “National Endowment for Democracy,” a US-funded NGO and instrument of the US State Department. The Kyiv Post was founded by the American FEMEN sugar daddy, Jed Sunden, and has been sold to British Ukrainian oligarch Mohammad Zahoor. The US State Department actively solicits Ukrainian journalists who want to further American interests in Ukraine on their website. Spooky NGOs aren’t shy about it, either..........

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