
Sunday, May 11, 2014

Popular uprisings "cooked" to look sinister, ugly and undemocratic

Only certain kind of uprisings, especially in the Middle East are democratic and display the will of the people.  Anywhere else, they need to have the stamp of approval from the mighty USA and its allies.  In Bahrain and Ukraine, the uprisings are sinister, ugly, undemocratic and the work of outside forces. According to the all-knowing West, in Bahrain it's Iran pulling the strings,  in Ukraine, it's Russia in the role of the puppet master.  Sheesh!

The following article is very long but very informative....and it is a must read. The writer, according to the blog description:
 " work of one person, a New York City native and resident, who came of age politically in the 60s, and has been a taxi driver, college professor, and political consultant..." 
should actually publish a book on the topic, it would become a hot political bestseller.

From ThePolemicist blog:
.......Let’s consider what we’ve seen in confrontations like the above in eastern Ukraine. Demonstrators telling reporters: “People came out of the village and stood in front of the tanks because they do not want them in their village,” and telling soldiers, “You are fulfilling criminal orders”; soldiers who “lack the heart” to fire on their own people, and who say “I am a soldier. I protect the people. I won’t shoot you.” In short, citizens disarming and turning back their national army—which was sent to crush their resistance by a unelected government that had designated them as “terrorists”—without firing a shot or setting anyone on fire. 32

Isn’t this the kind of once-in-a-generation sight that would astound with joy anyone who proclaims a belief in “democracy”? Isn’t this a remarkable display of popular resistance, at least as remarkable as anything we saw on the maidan?  These eastern Ukrainian uprisings are clearly popular and widespread, and are using similar tactics of occupation and resistance as were used by the maidan insurrectionists—with less violence, and without the wolfsangel. Good for the gander, no?...........

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