Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Only the lapdogs' barking can wake up the great Obama


Sarah Palin at her Facebook page:
......Obama knows nothing, sees nothing, and hears nothing unless his lapdogs bark, then his ears perk up. Not exactly using a hunting dog to flush out the truth, is he? Kind of reminds me of that famous Will Rogers quote: “All I know is just what I read in the papers, and that’s an alibi for my ignorance.”

The head of a government that has the most sophisticated spying apparatus ever created can monitor who we talk to, what we talk about, how many twinkies our kids eat and the calories we consume, where we travel, etc. etc., yet announces our President’s daily Intelligence report is actually prepared by Matt Drudge. Hmmm. Perhaps the NSA should take out ads in the sports section to assure the President reads his morning Intelligence briefing. 

Here’s a quick video of our Community Organizer-in-Chief explaining his lack of knowledge of the nation’s major scandals, using his favorite convenient excuse and perhaps also saying much about his management skills with a dysfunctional, disinterested staff. What do you think?

From Townhall:
....Montage: Obama Discovers   Every Scandal Through the Media.

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