Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Dear USA ... how's the new coup and second revolution in your Utopian Libya coming along?

Running according to plan?  Your man in Libya, Khalifa Hifter, doing the needful?  Have you trained him enough to be Ghadafi-like? Does the blueprint need more ink OR will you in the near future be inclined to say what Donald Rumsfeld said:
"...... because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things that we know that we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns, the ones we don't know we don't know."
Iraq destroyed, Libya destroyed, Syria destroyed .... the entire world awash with refugees from these three countries .... and all because of the clueless and suicidal American foreign policy.

Esam Mohamed and Bradley Klapper writing at AP:
....Libya's Renegade General Gains New Allies.  
Gen. Khalifa Hifter has been waiting decades for his moment.

A top general under Moammar Gadhafi, he was tainted by a disastrous defeat in a war against neighboring Chad. Exiled in the United States, he helped lead the opposition and vowed to return one day. Since Gadhafi's 2011 ouster he has struggled for a role, distrusted by other generals.

Now his time may have come. He is presenting himself as Libya's potential savior after nearly two years of chaos in which unruly militias are exercising power over elected officials and assassinating dozens of soldiers and police.

In less than a week since Hifter surfaced, supporters flocked to his self-professed campaign to crush Islamist militias and their backers in parliament and to bring stability to the country.

But there are fears his ultimate goal is to make himself into a new Gadhafi, and his democratic credentials are far from established.

"If Hifter wants to put the country on the right path then leave, he is welcome, but if he wants to take over power, we won't accept more coups," said prominent lawyer Abdullah Banoun in Tripoli. "Gadhafi terrorized us for 42 years. The alternative to Gadhafi is a civilian rule, nothing less than that."

Since Friday, Hifter has been leading an armed revolt in perhaps the biggest challenge yet to the country's weak central government and fledgling security forces. He says his campaign, dubbed "Operation Dignity," aims to break the power of Islamists who lead parliament. He accuses the Islamists of fueling Libya's chaos and opening the door to extremism.

On Sunday, Hifter's militia allies stormed and ransacked the parliament building in Tripoli, declaring the body suspended. Two days later, some lawmakers tried to hold a session at an alternative location to vote on a new prime minister, but came under rocket fire, effectively ending the session.....

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