Thursday, May 29, 2014

If you thought everything was quiet and calm in Tunisia .....

think again.

Bouazza Ben Bouazza of AP at OttawaCitizen:
.....Gunmen attack police lguarding home of Tunisian interior minister, killing 4.
Gunmen attacked the home of Tunisia's top security official while his family was inside, killing four of the policeman standing guard, the Interior Ministry said Wednesday.

The attack on Interior Minister Lotfi Ben Jeddou's home in the southern city of Kasserine took place just before midnight and involved six or seven attackers in a commandeered sports utility vehicle, ministry spokesman Mohammed Ali Aroui told local radio stations.

The Tunisian public radio said that the minister's family, including his wife, two children and two brothers had been inside the house during the attack and were unharmed. Ben Jeddou was in Tunis at the time.

Kasserine, in Tunisia's impoverished interior, is near Mount Chaambi, where soldiers have been battling al-Qaida-linked extremists near the Algerian border. Two soldiers were killed Friday when their vehicle hit a mine on the mountain. Aroui said the attackers were from the Chaambi region.

Prime Minister Mehdi Jomaa described the attack as a sign of desperation after security officials arrested suspected Islamist radicals Sunday. Authorities said they uncovered a terror plot allegedly targeting industrial and tourist sites...........

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