Thursday, May 29, 2014

I wonder when the bully politicians of the West will dare to impose sanctions on China ....

you know China, don't you?  Yeah ... the powerhouse that's holding most of the USA's debt.
Here's a listing of the CICA members and observers  

From CBSNews:
China's president called Tuesday for  the creation of a new Asian structure for security cooperation based on a regional group that includes Russia and Iran and excludes the United States.

President Xi Jinping spoke at a meeting in Shanghai of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-building measures in Asia, an obscure group that has taken on significance as Beijing tries to extend its influence and limit the role of the United States, which it sees as a strategic rival.

"We need to innovate our security cooperation (and) establish new regional security cooperation architecture," said Xi, speaking to an audience that included President Vladimir Putin of Russia and leaders of Central Asian countries.

Xi made no mention of Beijing's conflict with Vietnam over the deployment of a Chinese oil rig in a disputed portion of the South China Sea.

CICA, whose 24 member nations also include Korea, Thailand and Turkey, should become a "security dialogue and cooperation platform" and should "establish a defense consultation mechanism," Xi said. He said it should create a "security response center" for major emergencies.

The proposal marks the latest effort by Beijing to build up groups of Asian or developing governments to offset the influence of the United States and other Western governments in global affairs............

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