
Thursday, May 8, 2014

Carlton Citadel Hotel in Syria destroyed by USA-armed and funded "rebels" ...

you know  what makes a "rebel" don't you?  Yeh ... the same kind  that are found in plenty in eastern Ukraine and who are now being burned alive by the coup govt.supporters  with the blessings of the USA and the USA-led puppet leaders of the Western world.  In Ukraine they can be burned alive but in Syria the West does not see the Syrian govt. having any authority to resist them.
The hypocrisy of it all makes many of us with even a modicum of decency feel queasy with disgust and feel anger and frustration at our helplessness when faced with bully governments.

Besides, see the difference.  In Syria the rebels are jihadis who hate us infidels and infidels are arming and funding them to become stronger in the tactics of war, death and destruction.
In Ukraine, the rebels/separatists  would like to be associated with Russia because of their common language and roots to Russia and furthermore they pose no danger to our future well-being if they are successful in getting their very own countries.

I wonder if Canada's ruling government in the near future, whether it is Conservative or Liberal, will send the military inside Quebec when Quebecers finally make the move to separate from Canada.  
Will separatist Quebecers be also burned alive ? 

Ed Adamczyk writing at UPI:
....Blast destroys Syrian hotel,    killing 14 people

The explosion under the hotel, located in a 150-year-old building adjacent to a UNESCO World Heritage Site, caused extensive damage to the area.
An explosion in an Aleppo, Syria, hotel housing government troops killed 14 people, state media and anti-government activists said Thursday.

The blast at the Carlton Citadel Hotel, near the city’s medieval citadel, is believed to have been caused by a bomb placed beneath the hotel by what the state news agency Sana called “terrorists” who blew up tunnels they dug under the city’s archaeological sites in Aleppo’s Old City area.

The hotel has been a base of operations for government troops. The British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported 14 people were killed.....

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