Tuesday, April 15, 2014

When Western-backed Ukraine's coup govt. kills its own people, its all fine and hunky-dory, when Assad goes after terrorists who are mostly not even Syrian citizens, he is a murderer

The double standards are showing ...  but do they bring even an iota of shame to the shameless?  Of course not!

Michelle Kosinski writing at CNN:
U.S. supports Ukraine's military moves for now, urges caution.
For weeks, the White House has on an almost daily basis applauded the Ukrainian government’s restraint in dealing with what many see as an attempted Russian takeover of more than just Crimea, repeatedly stating there should not be a military solution.

The Obama administration reiterated that sentiment on Tuesday, while also supporting Ukraine's movement of troops toward the worst trouble zones in the eastern part of the country.
Russia has created a situation that is "untenable" and "the Ukrainian government has to respond to assert a return to order and protect its citizens," White House spokesman Jay Carney said.

Carney agreed the United States sees the moves as appropriate and even necessary within Ukraine, adding more than once that U.S. officials "urge the Ukrainian government to move forward gradually, cautiously."....

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