Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Ron Paul on Bundy issue: " ...the enemy is really the bad ideas and bad politics that need to be changed."

Paul Joseph Watson writing at InfoWars:
....Ron Paul Warns Feds Could Launch Waco-Style Assault Against Bundy....

.....During his appearance on Fox News, Paul made the wider point that the Bundy dispute would not have escalated if the issue of land ownership was made clearer, noting that in Texas for example there is no “public ownership,” whereas in states like Nevada “everybody owns it yet nobody owns it.”
“They had virtual ownership of that land because they had been using it….but it’s not clean enough, I think land should be in the states and I think the states should sell it to the people, it’s worked out quite well in big states,” said Paul, adding that publicly owned land only causes problems and wrangling between government, environmentalists, energy companies and ranchers.
“You need the government out of it and I think that’s the important point, if you don’t look at that you can expect more of these problems, especially when our economy gets into more trouble,” said Paul, adding that violence could be directed towards the feds when in reality the real problem is bad ideas and bad politics that need to be changed.

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