Tuesday, April 22, 2014

VICE reporter taken hostage in Slavyansk

Simon Ostrovsky is the reporter many of us have been following.  Guess the Pro-Russia militia didn't like something he reported on. 
Is anybody getting the same kind of feeling many of us got when the "rebels" in Syria started doing their thing?  I got a very nasty feeling about the entire Ukrainian fiasco because it has all the markings and the makings of the West-created fiasco in Syria.  The added ingredient here is the Bear... awake, growling and tearing apart  the West-engineered coup and intentions in Ukraine.  
Things are not looking good,  not in the least.

From NYMag:
....According to several reports, Simon Ostrovsky, an American video journalist working for Vice in Ukraine, has been "taken" by a pro-Russia militia  in the eastern town of Slavyansk. Russian news outlet Gazeta says that the situation was first announced by Slavyansk's self-appointed "people's mayor," Vyacheslav Ponomarev, during a press conference. Somewhat confusingly, Ponomarev went on to say that, "Nobody abducted [Ostrovsky], nobody is holding him hostage, he's with us now in at the SBU, preparing material and working," but statements from Vice and reporters in Slavyansk seem to indicate that he's being held against his will.
Here's Vice's statement:
VICE News is aware of the situation and is in contact with the US State Department and other appropriate government authorities to secure the safety and security of our friend and colleague, Simon Ostrovsky.
Meanwhile, Telegraph correspondent Roland Oliphant tweeted, "The mayor of Slavyansk & his press sec have confirmed @SimonOstrovsky is in custody in Slavyansk. I was at the presser." He added, "But very little further information so far." 
Ostrovsky's last tweets, sent on Monday, were about Ponomarev arguing with journalists at a press conference where Irma Krat, a reporter who participated in a Euromaidan demonstration in Kiev and was later taken captive in Slavyansk, was put on display:......

From GazetaRussia (Google translation)
...."People's Mayor" town Sloviansk Vyacheslav Ponomarev said that the militia took hostage American journalist Simon Ostrovsky, reports "Gazety.Ru".

Ponomarev said this during a press conference at the House of Culture of Slavic.
According to him, Ostrovsky dual citizenship U.S. and Israel, he is an employee of the American edition of Vice.
It is noted that the press conference was briefly interrupted Ponomarev called parents journalist militia leader Sloviansk assured that their son is well.

"Nobody stole, nobody holds hostage, he is now with us, the SBU, prepares materials, works," - said Ponomarev.....

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