Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Pakistan needs to be bombed right into the Earth's deepest core ....

and burned to a cindery nothing.  The country is a cancerous tumor.  We remove tumors from our bodies, don't we?  So ... why the reluctance to remove this stinking tumor from Mother Earth's body?

From BosNews:
.....Two young children in Pakistan were mourning their Christian father Saturday, April 19, after he was reportedly shot dead by a Muslim guard for refusing to convert to Islam.
Sunny Masih, 24, was attacked while working as a cleaner at a branch of Bank Islami in Lahore, Pakistan's second largest city, police said.

Family members disputed claims by bank security guard Omar Farooq that the young man had shot "himself in the forehead" on Wednesday, April 16.

Farooq, of Khushab District in central Punjab Province, reportedly told police that Masih “looked depressed” when he arrived at the bank at 8 a.m.

Soon after he allegedly killed himself with a pump-action shotgun that the guard had left unattended before going to the washroom.

However Haider Masih, father of the deceased, disagreed saying his son "was a lively young man" who had shown no signs of depression. He said his son got a job at the bank a few days ago.........

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