Saturday, April 26, 2014

UK.... always a bit too late to the party, the party of standing up to Islam and Shariah

All too late, dear, stupid, ignorant UK.  How many times do we have to tell you: "You Can't Turn Back the Tide."  A handful of intellectuals like Anne Marie Waters will never be able to halt the tide ... leave alone turn it.

A supposedly new group has been formed and launched in the House of Lords calling itself "Sharia Watch".  It's gonna be like water on a duck's back.  Don't feel sorry for the Brits .... they deserve it for electing nitwits to the House of Lords.

From VORNews:
A new group has been launched at the House of Lords to campaign for greater recognition of the threat posed by Islamic Sharia law. Sharia Watch UK says it wants to highlight the impact of Islamism in Britain and campaign against the prevalence of Sharia tribunals, particularly where it relates to women's rights. 

VoR's Tim Ecott spoke to Anne Marie Waters, spokesperson for Sharia Watch, and to Aina Khan, a solicitor in London who specialises in applying Sharia law within the English legal system.

“Our aim is quite simply to tell the truth," says Waters. "There is a large lack of knowledge of what Sharia Law actually stands for, what it does to women, how it treats women. And our aim is simply to tell the public – warts and all – what Sharia is: its views of women, its views of free speech, its threat to democracy, how it is operating in Britain, the organisations behind it and what their agendas are, and, indeed, the public support that such organisations receive from public figures.

Where do you see the threat coming from?

“It’s acceptance of it by the mainstream, that is a huge issue. If you look at what Sharia says about women, for example, it essentially advocates the slavery of women. If you strip it away and bear it down, that’s what it is, it’s the slavery of women, it’s the ownership of women. It degrades and humiliates women and yet it is accepted by the mainstream and supported by mainstream figures."

You say it's accepted; Britain still applies the rule of British Law, where do you see Sharia law coming in or being accepted in a way that makes you fearful?........

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