Saturday, April 26, 2014

Our ally King of Saudi Arabia has four of his daughters under house arrest?

And our glorious freedom of the press in the West didn't think of telling us about it?  If this is true, then it's poof positive that the gagged and controlled by the govt or the govt's agents sitting on the BODs of the MSM keeps Saudi Arabia's dirty laundry well hidden.
This is the reason why I often encourage people to get their news from every side of the globe... only then you realize how we are kept in the dark by the  lords and masters ruling over us.

From PressTVIran:
....One of the daughters of Saudi King Abdullah has called on people across the kingdom to rise against the ruling regime.

The eldest daughter, Sahar, who is under house arrest along with three of her sisters in the city of Jeddah, said in a video message that victory is theirs.

“Greetings to martyrs and to free men in jail. It is an honor for me to learn the meaning of freedom, rights and dignity from you revolutionary people,” the 42-year-old Saudi princess said.

“We promise to follow in your footsteps and not to let go of your hands. God’s hand will be above us. We learn determination from Ayatollah Nimr al-Nimr, the Sheikh of free men. For this reason, we will press ahead on the path by our own will,” she added.

She was referring to prominent Shia cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr, who was arrested over calls for the release of political prisoners.

Sheikh Nimr was attacked, injured and arrested by Saudi security forces en route to his house in the Qatif region of Saudi Arabia’s Eastern Province in July 8, 2012......

1 comment:

  1. Hard to believe that she would speak out like that. She mustn't lose her head over it. (:<))


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