Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Our ally Turkey cheated in the elections?

Nooooooooo!  Can't be!   Our allies are good and upstanding.  Otherwise we wouldn't be associated with them or would we?   In Canada we take that old adage of "One is judged by the company one keeps" very seriously.  Our PM Harper divorced Russia from the G8 because Russia is bad,  bad, bad.  Turkey's ruling party is good, good, good.... and our PM can vouch for that. Just ask the man.

From HurriyetNews:
....Opposition ballots found  in trash bags in southern Turkey.  Used ballots, marked for the main opposition Republican Peoples’ Party (CHP) and the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), have been found in the garbage of six schools used as polling stations in the southern province of Osmaniye. 

City residents reported the incident to the police when they found the used ballots in the trash in Osmaniye’s Düziçi district. According to reports, the schools where the ballots were found are the Uzunbanı Elementary School, Atatürk High School, Atatürk Elementary School, Cumhuriyet High School, Cumhuriyet Elementary School and ÇEAŞ Anatolian High School. 

It was claimed that the ballots were planned to be burned.

Candidates from the CHP and MHP have filed an official complaint to the Public Prosecutors’ Office and have appealed to the Supreme Election Council (YSK).

The Düziçi Police Department has launched an investigation into the incident. ....

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