Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Japan is reluctant to show its dirty laundry from WW2

Japan is showing strong opposition to the statue being planned to honour hundreds of thousands of women forced by the Japanese to work as sex slaves.  

Phillippa Carisbrooke and Darren Mara writing at SBS:
  ...Japan is opposing plans for a statue in Sydney honouring up to 200,000 women forced to work as sex slaves for Japanese soldiers during WWII.

Campaigners for a statue in Sydney honouring up to 200,000 women forced to work as sex slaves for Japanese soldiers during the WWII say they've been bombarded with correspondence from Japan opposing the plan.

Sydney's Korean and Chinese communities have been lobbying for the memorial, arguing there's no statue in Australia acknowleding the suffering of women subjected to sexual abuse during conflict.

Amnesty International estimates up to 200,000 women and girls were forced to work in brothels by the Japanese during the Second World War.
Most came from Korea and China, with a smaller number from countries including the Netherlands and Australia......

1 comment:

  1. I always resented the Japs for not owing up to their atrocious behavior during the war. At least the Krauts did.


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