Friday, April 18, 2014

Bloodbath of Muslim Brotherhood remaining members imminent

And, only because  Saudi Arabia, the main culprit in the funding and empowering of  the organization has now turned against the MB.  This turning against an entire organization that came into being and spread its wings to more than 50 countries, including the West with help from Saudi Arabia .... is because Saudi Arabia is worried the MB is also for regime change in the Sunni countries.  The stories and rumors about why the Libyan war came about, comes to mind here.  The rumors go that the Muslim Brotherhood UK were in cahoots with Gadhafi and were planning a coup in Saudi Arabia.  So,  the master manipulators got their ever-ready ally the USA, to destroy Gadhafi and his country.

Any threat to Saudi Arabia is expected to be dealt with in same fashion.
The only roadblock so far has been Syria.  That's something the Saudis and their allies had not expected.
Now, the master manipulators in Saudi Arabia have got Qatar, the  only Sunni country that was resisting the commands from Saudi Arabia and still giving shelter to the MB,  to not only get rid of them but also to sew shut the mouths of several journalists at Al Jazeera (I read that somewhere else, not disclosed in the below) who show favor towards the MB.  

I have a feeling, that the next on the chopping block will be CAIR.  Now, that's something to look forward to.  CAIR is very sympathetic towards the MB.  Unless USA's masters ... the ones in Saudi Arabia, give it orders to do away with CAIR, it won't happen.  So, let's hope the masters send that order to Obama in the near future.  Why do you think the UK is going after the MB?  Do you really believe they decided on that move on their own?  UK too takes their walking orders from Saudi Arabia and always have.  I know that's hard to believe.

From Reuters:
....Gulf Arab states took a step towards resolving a severe rift in the U.S.-backed alliance on Thursday by agreeing on ways to implement a security agreement they reached last year....
.... Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Bahrain want Qatar to end any financial or political support to the movement in order to end the rift, Gulf officials said earlier on Thursday.....

From AlJazeera:
Gulf foreign ministers have agreed to a deal to end months of unprecedented tension between Qatar and other members of the six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council over the Muslim Brotherhood.
At an extraordinary meeting in Riyadh on Thursday, the ministers agreed that the policies of GCC member states should not undermine the “interests, security and stability” of each other, a statement said.....
......Al Jazeera coverage of Egypt, seen by critics as biased in favour of the Brotherhood, has also increased tensions between Qatar and its Gulf neighbours.
The other GCC member states are Kuwait and Oman.....

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