Friday, April 18, 2014

4000+ Afghans gain freedom from prison ....

which means you can expect to hear of more mayhem in Afghanistan itself or you can surmise, correctly, that a big percentage of those released will be dropped into Syria.  If not the latest batch of prisoners released from Israel (which didn't happen because of the failed peace talks) for the purpose of going after Assad, why not the prisoners released from Afghanistan?  Did you hear that the prisons in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain and other enemy countries of Syria are running almost empty? Someone thought up a nice way to get enemies killed by other enemies, eh?!

Now, the question that came to mind is: Are Afghans pro-Iran? In which case the prisoners, if being dropped in Syria, will be fighting for Assad not against or  ... maybe for anybody who pays them the most money and we know that  that "anybody" would be Saudi Arabia and Saudi Arabia alone. 

From Khaama:
...The government of Afghanistan has released 4159 prisoners from the Bagram prison after they were transferred to Afghan control.
Head of the Bagram prison and commander of the military police, General Farooq said around 5021 prisoners who were detained by US forces, have been transferred to Afghan during the past three years.
Gen. Farooq further added 4159 prisoners have been released from the Bagram prison after their cases were reviewed by review panel.
He said they have not received the files regarding 336 prisoners from the US side.
The review panel presented their report regarding the progress of Bagram prisoners transfer to a meeting which was chaired by President Hamid Karzai on Monday.
Afghan national security advisor was instructed to urge the US forces in Afghanistan for immediate transfer of remaining files to Afghan attorney general office.
The responsibilities of US-run Bagram prison was handed over to the Afghan government earlier last year, after Kabul and Washington reached a deal for the transfer the detention facility to Afghan control.
Transfer of Bagram prison where thousands of suspected Taliban and al-Qaida operatives were held, was a source of tension between Afghanistan and the United States.
Bagram prison was transferred after Afghan government offered “private assurances” that detainees whom the United States considers to be most dangerous would not be released.

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