Monday, March 31, 2014

Where do politicians go when they need a break?

Seemingly they make a beeline to Birmingham.  They have been seen in their thousands there, strolling  nonchalantly in the city streets.

From BirminghamMail:
....Birmingham is battling  a growing problem which saw more than 5,100 rat alerts recorded in the past year.

City pest control officer Colin Watts revealed he had seen a 2ft rodent – which he said was as “wide as a brick” – on the loose.

Calls over rats in city homes were up by almost 300 on the previous 12 months.
The worst three districts were Ladywood with 982 calls, Hodge Hill with 739 and Perry Barr with 707.

Colin spotted the massive rat Belchers Lane, Bordesley Green.
“One of the biggest I’ve seen must have been 14 or 15 inches long,” he said.

“That was just the body, without the tail.

“With its tail it would have been over 2ft. It was like a small cat.”

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