Monday, March 31, 2014

Kessab genocide: USA and her allies Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and others gleefully watching ....

slaughter of Christians in Kessab and probably laughing aloud as they see Christian churches either destroyed or used for terrorist purposes.

They in fact encourage Assad's opposition to up the ante by secretly sending them their needs via Syria's enemies on Syria's borders;
supplying them with state of the art weaponry;  
Handing the terrorists bags  of crispy dollar notes;
Opening offices and headquarters  for the terrorists outside Syria where they can lobby for more money and more weaponry;
Some allies even throw open their hospitals  and the services of their medical staff for injured terrorists, all in the name of "humanity" and "goodwill towards other human beings" kind of bullshit.

Ghouls!  USA and her allies Israel, Saudi Arabia and all other sheikhdoms, Canada, Turkey, Britain and several countries of the EU.

From BarnabasFundOrg:
....Christian town in Syria  attacked by Islamists, 80 dead, thousands displaced.
The population of a Christian town in north-west Syria was forced to flee when it was besieged by Islamist rebels; 80 people were killed, at least 13 of whom were beheaded, churches desecrated and homes looted. 

Militants from the al-Qaeda-linked al-Nusra Front, Sham al-Islam and Ansar al-Sham attacked Kessab on the Turkish border early on Friday 21 March.
Around 3,000 Armenian Christian residents fled for their lives, taking refuge in neighbouring Latakia and Bassit. Some are staying with relatives and friends, but the rest are sheltering in over-crowded church buildings.
A dozen or so families with members too elderly to leave remained in Kessab and were subsequently taken hostage.

Barnabas Fund partners in Syria have been helping the displaced Christian families, who fled empty-handed. We are providing food, clothing, hygiene materials and other essentials.

Following the Islamist takeover of Kessab, a strategically important town, the Syrian army launched a counter-offensive in an effort to regain control of the territory, and fighting has continued. Kessab was the last border crossing with Turkey still in Syrian government hands. It had previously been relatively peaceful and was full of refugees who had fled violence in other parts of Syria.

Turkey, which has sided with the rebels in the Syrian civil war and provided access for fighters, money and supplies, allowed hundreds of Islamist militants to cross its border on Friday to attack Kessab.
Tensions between the Syrian government and Turkey intensified when the Turkish military shot down a Syrian fighter jet that crossed its border on Sunday during a battle over the town.

The Armenian National Committee – International condemned the attacks on Kessab and Turkey’s role in them, adding:
For months, we have warned the international community of the imminent threat posed by extremist foreign fighters against the Christian minority population in Syria.
Meanwhile, the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) has written to US President Barack Obama calling on him to press NATO ally Turkey to stop facilitating attacks by foreign fighters associated with US-designated terrorist groups................

As for the Canadian-Armenians pleading with the Harper govt to save Kessab from genocide,  the poor souls probably don't know that Stephen Harper and his Cons are part of the group that has rained down so much misery on Syria. They seemingly don't know that  USA, Israel, Canada, UK, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and the sheikhdoms has become the brotherhood of Evil Incarnate and their main goal, in fact their only goal is to see Assad and Syria including Christians in Syria, destroyed completely.

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