Friday, March 14, 2014

Venezuela death toll hits 28 ....

as the uprising continues.   It's a strange going-on over there. A huge portion of the population, more so the poor and uneducated masses, want to remain in their poverty and ignorance and continue their love affair with Chavez and by extension the new prez and his communist govt. 

....Venezuela's top prosecutor says 28 people have been killed since anti-government protests erupted five weeks ago.
Luisa Ortega Diaz told a conference at the U.N. in Geneva that the right to demonstrate isn't "absolute," but should be done "peacefully and without weapons."

Deteriorating living conditions in the oil-rich country have fueled anger against the government.
And even people who aren't taking sides are caught in the middle.

Cruz Maria Toro is a woman caught in the middle.
"My heart beats fast almost all the time," she says, and the streets outside her store are why.
It's a violent scene Toro witnesses almost daily right outside her store in the Venezuelan capital of Caracas.

The Altamira neighborhood where her arts and crafts store is located is a hotspot for violent clashes between anti-government protests and security forces, clashes that so far have left 28 people dead in a month.

She says, "People ask us, ‘why don't you leave? You're eating, swallowing bombs and eating tear gas. Why do you stay locked up there?' But this is where we live and this is the center of our lives."

She uses her swimming goggles to protect her eyes from tear gas.
And she keeps handkerchiefs and gloves handy, she says, just in case a smoke bomb falls inside her store, which has already happened.

One of these bombs recently set her roof on fire.
Earlier this week Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro announced the capture of 11 masked protesters in Altamira.
"And we will capture them all," he said.
"That's how we will make true justice and achieve peace," he added.
The opposition says the instability is caused by government repression.........

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