Friday, March 14, 2014

Shia Muslims harassed even in "moderate" Malaysia

The poisonous tentacles of Wahabism from Saudi Arabia have reached all corners of the world.

From YahooNews:
....Over 100 people arrested in latest crackdown on Shia Muslims. Islamic authorities on Saturday arrested 114 people believed to be Shia Muslims in Perak, in the latest crackdown against followers of the second largest Islamic school of thought.
The arrest took place while they were attending a celebration to commemorare the birth of Siti Zainab, daughter of Islam's fourth caliph Ali, according to reports. Women and children were also among those arrested.
Shia Muslims consider Ali to be the rightful heir to the Muslim leadership following the death of Prophet Muhammad.........
.........Shia Muslims have been targeted in a campaign spearheaded by the government's religious officers as well as Umno leaders, with state television channels and mosques preaching to Malaysia's mainly Sunni Muslims on the danger of Shiism........

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