Saturday, March 29, 2014

The world's top politician does it again

To Pope Francis, Converts to Christianity  = same as gaining voters for the pinocchios in the governments of the world. The Vatican is also a government body.
I fail to see how  the Pope making a "confession" to an "ordinary priest" is such a big deal.  In fact, I fail to see why Catholics think that confession means cleansing one of sins. If you truly believe that, then everybody on Facebook have no sins to cleanse off because they keep telling them to all and sundry who have the time to read them.  

From IndependentUK:
In a move that was described as "bold"  and even "noteworthy" by some, Pope Francis has stunned a congregation by confessing his sins to an “ordinary” priest in full view of St. Peter's Basilica.
The Pontiff was presiding at a service intended to show the importance he attaches to the sacrament of reconciliation, commonly known as confession, when he shunned yet another papal tradition.

His master of ceremonies, Monsignor Guido Marini, pointed him toward the empty booth but Francis was having none of it.
Instead, he went straight to another one, knelt before a rather surprised priest, and confessed to him for a few minutes.
The people's Pope lived up to his name by then going back to the empty one and hearing the confessions of a number of faithful, pretending as if nothing had happened.......

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