Saturday, March 29, 2014

The hypocrisy of America and her allies

Isn't it a "laugh aloud until you cry" kind of scenario when you think about how America and her allies stormed into Afghanistan because one of the things that so stunned and horrified the world was seeing the Taliban destroy the  world heritage site where the giant statues of Buddha were carved out of the mountainous rock.  
However, now, when it comes to Syria and the Taliban-like Al Qaeda affiliated groups are destroying heritage sites of the Shiites... they are doing it at the behest of the USA and her allies. 
The moral compass has stopped working for millions of Earthmen. 
Now, the immoral have a blueprint that emphasizes the end of Assad and nothing less will do even if it means WW3.

From Reuters:
Islamist fighters from an al Qaeda splinter group bombed a large Shi'ite Muslim shrine in the eastern Syrian city of Raqqa on Wednesday, activists said.

The mosque of Ammar bin Yassir and Oweis al-Qarni was once a destination for Shi'ite Muslim pilgrims from Iran, Lebanon and Iraq before it was taken over a year ago by Sunni rebels battling to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad.

One photo posted on Twitter on Wednesday under the heading "the pagan Iranian shrine" showed extensive damage to the exterior walls and roof of the site, a turquoise and white complex of domes and minarets centred around a tiled courtyard.

Another picture showed concrete and twisted metal strewn on the street outside the mosque - built under Assad's rule with support from Shi'ite Iran - while another showed an interior wall that had collapsed inward.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitoring group said the al Qaeda splinter group Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) had set off two powerful explosions at the mosque early on Wednesday.

Many fighters from ISIL and other radical Sunni Islamist groups in Syria deem Shi'ites as infidels and consider their shrines idolatrous, and therefore legitimate targets.....

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