Saturday, March 15, 2014

NATO websites under cyber attacks

And, they didn't expect this to happen with all that's been going on and put in safeguards?  Goes to show how much credit we wrongly give to those we think know what they are doing.  This NATO is not the NATO of old.  This NATO is totally dysfunctional and should be disbanded before it destroys our world. The more the members, the more the chances of infiltration.

From Reuters:
....Several NATO websites have been hit by cyber attacks, but they have had no impact on the military alliance's operations, a NATO spokeswoman said.

The attacks, which affected NATO's main website, came amid rising tensions over Russian forces' occupation of Ukraine's Crimea region where a referendum is to be held on Sunday.

NATO spokeswoman Oana Lungescu said on Twitter that several NATO websites have been the target of a "significant DDoS (denial of service) attack." She said there had been no operational impact and NATO experts were working to restore normal function.

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