Saturday, March 15, 2014

Mayor Rob Ford: "I wouldn't know him if I ran over him" about Kevin Spacey

Look... I like Kevin Spacey, he's one of my favorite actors, but that's because I am into movies a lot.  You can't expect a man who runs a big city like Toronto and runs it efficiently and is on call  24/7 to know the Kevin Spaceys of this world.  Ford spends his free time playing football with immigrant kids and at half time during matches arm wrestles with the  great  Hulk Hogan. 

Now, the latest news on our "putting Toronto on the tourist map" mayor, is about him saying something about Kevin Spacey.  Kevin Spacey, being the humorous guy that he is, twitted a photoshopped  pic of himself with the Ford brothers after he heard about the brother Ford's peeve.  

From CTVNews:
....A day after being called an “arrogant S.O.B.” by Toronto’s Doug Ford, actor Kevin Spacey has tweeted a photoshopped image of himself wedged between the Ford brothers.
“When did Mayor Ford start doing what people tell him to do?” Spacey tweeted on Saturday. “All you had to do was ask, you guys. Here’s your pic.”

Spacey was responding to a segment on the YouTube show “Ford Nation,” when the Ford brothers claimed they were told to keep their distance from the “House of Cards” star during Rob Ford’s recent appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live.
“We were told you can’t take a picture, and you can’t speak to them,” Doug Ford said. “Who does this character think he is? He thinks he's God, that he’s up there? That no common folk can take a picture?”
Doug Ford then made a direct comment to Spacey: "Kevin, why don't you get off your high horse and be real and take pictures with people?"
Rob Ford, meanwhile, said he doesn’t watch movies. “I wouldn’t know him if I ran over him.”..........
In other news, our lefty media in Toronto is all over the place claiming that polls show Olivia Chow is 8 points ahead of Rob Ford.  HAHAHAHAHAH.  Man, these people just never learn.  Nobody in their right mind should ever trust polls.  The last ones, where Ford ran away with the vote, showed his rival (can't remember his name at the moment, but you know, that gay guy .... the husband of a husband) was shown as a sure winner and what happened?  Yeah ... never trust polls. The pollsters never talk to the people who really matter in Toronto because they can't understand their accents.  Those are the very people that matter in Toronto and those are the people who stand firmly with Rob Ford.  We know a genuine article when we see it ... and Rob Ford is genuine.

So, dear Toronto lefties 

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