Friday, March 28, 2014

Kabul ... siege of guesthouse ends

Does anybody actually think that there's a bright future for Afghanistan? This country too, will likely go the way of Iraq.  There's that intensity of religious madness over there and when you couple that with their fervent desire for opium, you have a nation that will always be on the edge. Yet another US-led NATO venture of attacking and invading a country in substitution for the real culprit ... Saudi Arabia.  And, how much did Canada waste on Afghanistan?  Is it $10 Billion?  More?

And, how many Canadian lives lost?  Go  here to see the Canadian faces of the sons and daughters, fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters ... killed in our 10 year commitment to a place whose citizenry, in their vast majority, don't like us and never will. 

From Reuters:
...Foreigners escape Taliban siege in Kabul, one Afghan child killed. Taliban gunmen stormed a Kabul guesthouse used by a U.S.-based aid group and held four foreigners hostage for several hours on Friday, just eight days before Afghanistan holds a presidential election which the militant group has vowed to derail.

Kabul is already on high alert and people across the country are on edge ahead of an April 5 vote the hardline Islamist movement denounces as a Western-backed sham.

The siege of the walled compound, which is also home to a small church, lasted several hours before Afghan security forces killed the last remaining Taliban gunman holed up inside.

At least one Afghan child was killed when a suicide bomber blew himself up outside the building and insurgents forced their way in. There were no casualties among foreigners.

A Reuters witness saw about 20 people being evacuated from the guesthouse in an upmarket residential area of Kabul, many looking frightened and shocked.........

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