Friday, March 28, 2014

Is something afoot at borders of Turkey and Syria?

The reason behind Turkey's banning of Twitter and the blocking of YouTube could very likely be because  the powers-that-be have now pressured Turkey  into going to war with Syria on a false flag initiative and Turkey's govt. wants to throw a blanket on what's happening at the border regions. The false flags dealing with the chemical warfare and the sarin gas attacks didn't work because of ordinary citizens of the West proving they were mightier than their false gods who strut around in the halls of power.  However,  when the slave of the same gods, Erdogan, marches into Syria on false pretexts,  we won't be able to halt the carnage which might be coming soon.  
What is  transparent  can often look murky at first sight. Always read in-between the lines, always.  Take everything that does  not seem to make sense and solve it like you would a cryptic crossword.    

From StateGovt. press briefing March 25:
QUESTION: That means you don’t have anything on the military – Turkish military buildup on the border with Syria, too?

MS. HARF: On the specific religious site that he’s asking about, I don’t have --


MS. HARF: What I said is we think this hopefully, the shooting down of a plane is an isolated incident. Obviously we’re concerned about all of Syria’s borders and free flow of people over them and – all of that. We’re obviously concerned about that. What I have said is that we haven’t talked to the Turkish Government, to my knowledge, about the plane incident and not escalating, because we think it’s an incident that took place in an isolated setting and hope that it doesn’t portend anything bad for the future, obviously.

QUESTION: But you don’t want to talk about the religious site?

MS. HARF: I think I just said I don’t have anything for you on that. You can ask five more times, and I will have the same answer. Thanks.

From StateGovt. press briefing March 27
No. But maybe – let me say it from another perspective. I ask always are you concerned, are you concerned, are you concerned. Maybe I should say: What will be the position of U.S. in the likely Turkish intervention in Syria against ISIS?

MS. HARF: I’m not going to guess in a hypothetical situation about what our position might be.

QUESTION: No, but Director Brennan, for example, raised this issue recently during his testimony.

MS. HARF: He raised certain issues. He didn’t make a – take a position on that issue of that hypothetical.

QUESTION: Yeah, he said that northern Syria, then Syria became the new national security threat against U.S. because of these al-Qaida-affiliated groups gathered there.

MS. HARF: Right. That’s a difference than saying we would take a position, that – he wasn’t taking a position on your hypothetical. We are concerned about the spillover to all of Syria’s neighbors of extremists. We’ve said that for many, many months.

QUESTION: No, I’m trying to understand why you are silent on this issue while Turks are real seriously considering this kind of military action in Syria.

MS. HARF: I’m saying I don’t have anything to share with you right now. Obviously, we are talking to the Turkish Government as a NATO ally about all of these issues. I just don’t have anything to share for you right now.....

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