Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Denmark's zoo managers should be on Denmark's Immigration panel

Denmark's zoo euthanized a lion because he might have mated with two young lionesses who are his own offspring. 
Denmark has a sizeable Muslim population   and we all know that Muslims care two hoots about inbreeding. Cousins marry first cousins, uncles marry nieces, aunties marry nephews ...  and in fact such unions are preferred unions because all the extended family members can remain in one big close-knit inbred family.
So....the zoo in Denmark will breed healthy animals but the people in Denmark will not.

What a wonderful world!

From NationalGeographic:
....Copenhagen Zoo Kills 4 Lions After Controversial Giraffe Death
Four lions were euthanized to improve the zoo's breeding program.
The Copenhagen Zoo put down a 16-year-old male lion, a 14-year-old lioness, and two young lions this week to make way for a new male lion from the Givskud Zoo, also in Denmark.

"The change in the lion pride had to happen now because Copenhagen Zoo currently has two young females from the 2012 litter and it is ideal to keep these as part of the new pride and then find a suitable male," the zoo wrote in a Wednesday statement on its website.

"If the Zoo had not made the change in the pride now then we would have risked that the old male would mate with these two females—his own offspring—and thereby give rise to inbreeding," the statement says.

What's more, the 14-year-old lioness was too old to give birth and raise another litter without complications, the zoo said. ........

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