Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Army Pvt. Bradley-Chelsea Manning

This is one mutant I sympathize with greatly.  Brave person with a conscience.  I hope the powers-that-be show some degree of sympathy for the mutant and keep him/her separated from the rest of the prison population.

From WashingtonPost:
...Army Pvt. Chelsea Manning,    formerly known as Bradley, to request legal name change.  The Army private who leaked a trove of classified military and diplomatic documents to the anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks is scheduled to ask a Kansas judge next month for a legal name change — the first step in her quest to be formally recognized as a woman.

After being tried and sentenced last summer for the disclosures, the soldier previously known as Bradley Manning came out as transgender and said she wanted to be known as Chelsea......

And, you might want to read this story from Tunisia about how he/she  is loved and respected by the Tunisians.......

Sami Ben Gharbia writing at Medium:
....A Tribute to Chelsea Manning from Tunisia. What we call the Arab Spring was the result of many seemingly small things, butterfly effects. One of them was a courageous woman named Chelsea Manning. If the U.S. will take 35 years from Chelsea Manning’s life, may it console her that she has given us, Arabs, the secret gift that helped expose and topple 50 years of dictatorships.

For me, it all started in mid-October of 2010, with a direct message on Twitter from a good friend of mine. He belonged to a circle of digital activists with whom I worked closely with for years on many advocacy projects in the Arab World, from anti-censorship strategies and campaigns to building and training non-violent protests movements. In that DM he urgently asked me to speak over encryption with him. After one single OTR chat session, he sent me an encrypted zip file containing a trove of around 400 texts files organized in about 15 folders. All the folders were named after Arab countries: Tunisia, Egypt, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Morocco, Bahrain, etc. I didn’t know what was in them. He told me just before ending the chat session: do something with them, I trust you and trust your knowledge and judgment.

At that time I was based in Berlin, after having to flee my home in Tunisia 13 years before to avoid becoming a political prisoner. I had a position as Advocacy Director at Global Voices, a non-profit that supported international citizen media. That gave me the freedom .......

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