Sunday, March 23, 2014

Australia's "sponsored social terrorism"

Hah!  And I thought I was a especial kind of deadly nightshade!  Hellloooo Sister!

From AustralianConservativeTruth blog:
...Harmony Day 2014 - A Celebration   of foreign racist hate, sharia law nazis and Aussie Genocide - funded by the Abbott Liberals! Woo-hoo!

Well it's that time of year again, when the Government sponsored race hate fest codenamed Harmony Day swings into gear

It is illegal to be racist in Australia - yet this government funded program promotes racism ruthlessly - even to the extent of promoting Aussie genocide, Aboriginal apartheid and submission to sharia law Nazi supremacists (muslims) (you know illegally slaughtered halal food, gun crime, Arabic, FMG, pedofile rings, child brides trafficking etc) and those racist cults protected as 'religious charities' - which have nothing to do with Australia - like hinduism sikhism - and of course islam (as already referred to)

In fact the criminality incorporated in this disgraceful (but laughably named) Harmony agenda is utterly breathtaking - and all government funded!!!
In fact it is so bad, any public servant not  co-operating with its agenda runs the risk of counselling, career ending - or even dismissal!!!

Harmony Day is a gross violation of the human rights of Aussies to live in peace and cultural homogeneity, as a sovereign nation with a proud history

It is government sponsored social  terrorism, designed to balkanise our society, in a society which is supposedly 'free and democratic - but where no-one really has any say whatsoever - except designated government funded minority racist groups - usually with a terrorist agenda (sharia law advocates want us all decapitated, sikhs want us all to speak punjabi etc)

But you are not allowed to opt out of Harmony - enforced by Federal authorities, State (and council) authorities - and even multiple sports codes........

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