Monday, February 17, 2014

The bizzaro world of the "Craigslist" killers

How many more serial killers are out there that we know nothing about?  There has already been one movie made based on another killer linked to the Craigslist site.  Brace yourself for yet another movie after all the gory stuff revealed about the latest findings on yet more killers.

From DailyMailUK::
....The Satan worshiping Pennsylvania teenager dubbed the 'real life Dexter' who confessed to more than 22 murders in a sensational newspaper interview over the weekend in fact suggested that she could have killed dozens more.
When pushed on the total number of victims she claims to have killed, Miranda Barbour, 19, blurted out a staggering figure of, 'less than 100'.
Explaining that she adopted a murderous alter ego she dubbed 'Super Miranda' when she killed, Barbour said that she kept a favorite knife that had notches on - one for each of her victims.
Speaking to TMZ about the horrifying admission from Barbour, Daily Item reporter, Francis Scarella said that he omitted the frightening and unsubstantiated number from his story.
However, he confirmed that like the fictitious serial killer Dexter, Barbour said she only killed bad people - those who abused children or owed money and that her satanism controlled her murderous rages.
Indeed, Scarella told TMZ he spoke with an ex-roomate of Barbour's who said that the abused teen possessed two vials of semen belonging to her husband and that she used them to masturbate in a satanic ritual.........

1 comment:

  1. I think she is excessively bragging. She probably only killed a couple of people. She wants attention. We shall see, keep following the story.
    Christ, the countries (Canada and the USA) seems to be inhabited by so many more crazed sickos compared to the 50's and 60's.


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