Monday, February 17, 2014

How one can tell that the USA is becoming more and more islamized in the era of their Muslim prez

I got a whacking a few weeks ago from American lefties because, on Twitter,  I said  Obama was a Muslim.  Well ... I reinstate that statement and will keep repeating it at every opportunity.  Obama is a Muslim and his presidency has empowered American Muslims more than it has empowered American Blacks.  So there !!!!

In the video below, see how the Muslim cop shoots and kills a dog.  There was no reason to do that.  The cop didn't need to go right out there and confront the dogs,  but being a Muslim he considered it his duty to "clean" the world around him from "the unclean animals"  and sadly dogs and pigs are on that "unclean animals" list along with us infidels.

Of course, the MSM as usual will never talk about this incident.  Thank the good Lord for the bloggers out there that made sure that this was documented and relayed ... at least to the few of us who are paying close attention to the Trojan Horse and the Stealth Jihad which will culminate into the Caliphate-ing of America and also of Canada sooner than we think.

Only after the hue and cry from bloggers,  an investigation into the deplorable action by the Muslim cop is now being investigated.  If not for the alternate media like the blogging world, this incident would have never come to light.

From PatriotAction:
 ....This video is horrible, very tough to watch. Dogs are reviled under Islam — watch this Muslim police officer first kick the dog and then just shoot the dog to death: -
 “Idaho, US: Muslim Police Officer Shoots and Kills a Disabled Man’s Service Dog (Video)” Eyes on Jihad, February 13, 2014 (thanks to Claude)
Police Officer Tarek Hassani shoots and kills a disabled man’s service dog. Photo courtesy of: The Idaho Statesman......

From Creeping Sharia
...Filer Police Officer Tarek Hassani  was placed Tuesday on administrative leave following Saturday’s shooting death of a resident’s dog, said city Mayor Rick Dunn.
The city’s move follows local and national outcry stemming from a video recording of the black Labrador’s demise, including many calls from Magic Valley residents for his job.
“We want (Hassani) fired,” said Rick Clubb, Hooch’s owner. “He had other options. He didn’t have to kill my dog.”.................

From BareNakedIslam:
....DAHO Disabled man’s service dog  (Golden Retriever) shot by a Muslim police officer
An Idaho disabled man vowed this week to sue a local police station after a Muslim officer, Tarek Hassani, shot and killed the man’s service dog...............

From IdahoStatesman:
....Filer mayor asks Nampa to investigate dog shooting.
The mayor of the south-central Idaho city of Filer has asked the Nampa Police Department to investigate the shooting by a Filer police officer of a resident's dog.
"I hope they do a thorough investigation," Mayor Richard Dunn told The Times-News ( ) in a story on Friday. "Hopefully, they will make some recommendations to develop some different protocols down the road."
Filer Police Officer Tarek Hassani on Feb. 8 responded to a report of dogs running loose, and went to the home of Rick Clubb to deliver a citation. His dashboard-mounted camera shows two dogs that begin circling and barking at him, sometimes lunging toward him. In the video, he kicks at a 7-year-old black Labrador named Hooch before shooting it........

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