Saturday, February 22, 2014

Stealth Jihad trickery in Kenya's Nyeri County

This is how stealth jihad trickery creeps into the laws and bylaws of an otherwise "Christian"  or secular country.  I don't even have to dig deeper into the Kenyan govt. websites to find the names of the politicians in the Nyeri County  budget committee  to see if any of them or the  council members involved are Muslim or converts to islam.  Instinct tells me that Muslims are involved in trying to hamper the Christian clergy from preaching wherever they desire to do so. 

From WorldWatchMonitor:
.....Three hundred bishops in Central Kenya confronted a county governor last week to protest against a new bill that could see clergy charged for preaching outside of their churches.

The bishops, who say they represent as many as 1,200 churches within Nyeri County, marched to the governor’s office on Feb. 12 to protest against the Nyeri County Finance Bill, which includes a section on charging preachers for speaking in public.

The bill, which is yet to be debated by the local government or signed by the county governor, states that clergy must pay 10,000 Kenyan Shillings (approx. €85) per day to preach inside a stadium, 8,000 KES (€68) outside a stadium and 5,000 (€42) in rural areas.

Charles Muchiri, priest of St. Peter’s Catholic Church in Ruiru, near Nairobi, and chairman of the 300 bishops, said that churches should not be commercialised and treated like businesses, and that the bill would leave clergy dependent upon funds to reach beyond their churches.

“The services rendered by the church to the people are free and such a high tax imposition will greatly affect the spreading of the gospel,” he said.

In Kenya, it is common for churches to hold evangelical events in stadia that can last from three or four days up to a week............

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