Saturday, February 22, 2014

EU will get Ukraine and Ukraine's army will become a part of NATO ....

in due course. It was written in the stars for Western powers who organized, staged, operated  and brought about the downfall of the Ukrainian govt.   
The good thing to come out from all the uproar and the almost 100 dead Ukrainians is that Yulia Tymoshenko will become the President (that's a given) and corruption might become a bit less than it is supposed to be at the present time.

One other thought just popped up:  Looks like it's not difficult to change non-Muslim countries to a better life, but cave dwellers love the dark of their caves and should be left alone.

Lizzie Dearden and Heather Saul writing at IndependentUK:
....The former Prime Minister of Ukraine, Yulia Tymoshenko, has been freed from prison and said that she is certain that the country will now join the EU, just hours after MPs voted to oust President Viktor Yanukovych.
"Our homeland will from today on be able to see the sun and sky as a dictatorship has ended," Tymoshenko told reporters after her release from the hospital where she had been held under prison guard for most of the time since she was jailed in 2011.

Tymoshenko, who was on her way to Kiev to join the protesters in Independence Square, said she will "make it so that no drop of blood that was spilled will be forgotten."
She also said that she is "sure that Ukraine will be a member of the European Union in the near future and this will change everything," according to the Interfax news agency.
The embattled leader Yanukovych has been formally impeached and declared constitutionally unable to carry out his duties..........

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