Friday, February 21, 2014

Sister Megan Rice ...batty, stupid or just naive?

Yes ... there are thousands, nay, millions of dumb Christians all over this world of ours.  I don't know whether to call this 84 yr old nun just plain stupid dumb or sweetly naive.  Being anti-war is all fine and good but one has to also realize that every country has a right to weapons in order to defend itself and one can't just up and sneak into a nuclear facility without suffering the consequences.   In my opinion, she got off pretty lightly.  

From PeopleMag:
....At a sentencing   for an 84-year-old nun and two fellow Catholic peace activists who stole onto the grounds of the "Fort Knox of uranium," the judge seemed to struggle with how harshly he should treat protesters who authorities say never posed any serious national security threat. 
Judge Amul Thapar acknowledged the trio sincerely held their religious beliefs, but also said at Tuesday's sentencing that those beliefs provided no excuse for breaking into the Y-12 National Security Complex in Oak Ridge. The complex is the nation's primary storehouse for bomb-grade uranium. 

Sister Megan Rice was sentenced to just under three years in prison, while Greg Boertje-Obed and Michael Walli each received sentences of just over five years. The sentence appeared to be a compromise, less than what the government sought but more than what defense attorneys had hoped for. 
During a hearing that lasted for hours, Rice and her co-defendants said they believe it was a miracle from God that let them penetrate the complex and arrive at the most secure portion of the facility before being detected. 

"I was acting upon my God-given obligation as a follower of Jesus Christ," Walli, 65, said. "I make no apology. I have no sense of remorse or shame. I would do it again." 
All three will spend three years on supervised probation once released. They also were ordered to jointly pay nearly $53,000 in restitution to the government for damage to an exterior wall of a bunker at the complex. 

On July 28, 2012, the three activists cut through three fences before reaching a $548 million storage bunker. They hung banners, strung crime-scene tape, splashed blood on the wall and painted slogans on the side of the Highly Enriched Uranium Materials Facility. 
Although officials said there was never any danger of the protesters reaching materials that could be detonated or made into a dirty bomb, the break-in raised security questions at the complex and the security contractor was fired. ....

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