Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Pussies get a whipping from Cossacks

Reading this gave me a nice feeling.  Pussy Riot dumb chicks are doing whatever it is they are doing because they are getting paid to do it.  That makes them fake .... and I hate fake.  Furthermore, one does not have to strip to make a statement.  Showing their boobs is making a statement? These idiots are dysfunctional bitches in the pay of people who are against Putin and the new Russia.  Nothing more, nothing less.  

From Globe&Mail:
....Pussy Riot say security guards beat them with whips in Sochi. 
Members of the all-women Russian protest group Pussy Riot said they were beaten with whips on Wednesday by Cossacks who are helping patrol Sochi during the Winter Olympics.

Nadezhda Tolokonnikova and Maria Alyokhina, who served prison sentences over a protest in a church against President Vladimir Putin, said they were attacked in Sochi as five band members tried to perform a song.
“Under the banner Sochi 2014, to the sound of ‘Putin will teach us to love the homeland’, Cossacks attacked Pussy Riot, beat us with whips and sprayed a lot of pepper gas at us,” Tolokonnikova wrote on Twitter.

Video purportedly of the incident posted on a Russian television website showed Pussy Riot members pulling trademark, brightly coloured ski masks over their faces and performing a song in front of a wall decorated with the Sochi Games design.

What appeared to be pepper spray was aimed at one of them, a Cossack was shown beating several people with a whip and the masks were roughly pulled off the protesters’ heads.

Alyokhina tweeted photographs of blood dripping down the face of a supporter after the attack. Another showed red marks across Tolokonnikova’s chest.

David Khakim, an activist who was briefly detained over a one-man protest in Sochi this week, said he had witnessed the attack..........

1 comment:

  1. When this band first made the news a while back, I missed part of the story I was listening too on TV and I thought when I heard the phrase "Pussy Riot" I thought it was a bad translation of Russian meaning a demonstration of angry violent women marching through. It was only the following day I realized it was a name for a band.


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