Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Let's add more countries going through hell ....Ukraine, Thailand and Venezuela

Wonder which other countries will join the uproar going on  in all corners of the world.  That spaceship to Mars is not happening soon enough.  I blame earthquakes and volcano eruptions for people erupting here, there, everywhere.

CNN on Thailand
.....Thailand's bitter political crisis intensified Tuesday as four people were killed in clashes between anti-government protesters and police, and the country's anti-corruption commission filed charges against the Prime Minister.
The deadly violence erupted in the heart of Bangkok after months of protests against Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra that have deepened political divisions in the Southeast Asian nation.
A police officer died after he was shot in the head, and three male protesters were also killed, officials said.
Sixty-four people, both police officers and protesters, were wounded in the clashes Tuesday, according to the Erawan Emergency Center, a medical unit monitoring the unrest in Thailand.
Police were trying to clear demonstrators, who have been campaigning against Yingluck for months in central Bangkok.......

Translation from El-Carabobeno:
....Once again a peaceful demonstration  in Venezuela was stained red. Thousands of demonstrators protesting against the government of Nicolas Maduro, were gunned down in the street by a horde CedeƱo motorized wearing red shirts with the acronym PSUV. Stones, sticks and set fire targeting students and civil society, resulting in at least five people injured.

Protesters fled and sought refuge in buildings, shops and houses nearby. Later they received reports of intimidation. The Bolivarian National Guard (GNB) during Tuesday guarded around the march had reached the destination Plaza de Toros Monumental de Valencia, to link the north and south, disappeared amid the surrounding chaos.....

CBC on Ukraine
....Clashes and fires    erupt in Kiev's Maidan Square after the Ukranian uprising's deadliest day.  
Tonight, many of the tents at the protest camp in Kyiv's central "Indepedence" square went up in a blaze of glory and flames. After a day of street battles in which at least nine people were killed, demonstrators clashed with police in some of the most violent confrontations since protests began last November. In between speeches from their leaders and with the Ukranian national anthem filling the air, protesters in Kyiv's Maidan Square chanted, "Glory to Ukraine!" 
We spoke to protester Maksym Kostetskyi just outside the square.....

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