Wednesday, February 12, 2014

My first thought on seeing the Lugers' ad was: "So, mostly gays in Luge, eh?"

Here's the ad for which, of course, the dhimmi Canada bears full responsibility.  This is the length to which the gay community and their enablers will go to make their point. Nothing will normalize gay behaviour ... no matter how much they try to impose it on the rest of the world.  The harder they try, the more certain is their failure.

And just as many, many thousands of people are beginning to see the bullying from the Muslim community, so also many of us are waking up to similar bullying tactics from the gay community and the enablers of that community.  Nobody is depriving them of their rights ... but who the hell has given them the right to encroach on  ours?  Who says we HAVE TO LIKE THEM OR ELSE?

Sam Borden writing at NYTimes:
 ....American Lugers Annoyed by Group’s Gay Rights Video.  There was a ripple of discontent over a gay rights issue at the Sochi Games on Tuesday, but it had nothing to do with Russia.

Several American doubles lugers said they were irritated by a popular Canadian video celebrating diversity that pokes fun at their sport.

The Canadian Institute of Diversity and Inclusion recently released a promotional video that shows doubles luge, a sport in which one rider lies on top of the other as they sled down the track. At the end of the video is the tagline: “The Games have always been a little gay. Let’s fight to keep it that way.”

“They’re making fun of our sport for their cause and it doesn’t really make a lot of sense to me,” Christian Niccum, an American Olympian, said after completing two training runs at the Sanki Sliding Center. “If I were to go hug my dad and someone took a picture and showed it in really slow motion, they could use it in a video like that and that’s just ridiculous. It’s my dad. Can’t we show affection to each other without it being some sort of sexual contact? This is sports. It’s the same thing. Why does it have to be like that?”

Another American, Preston Griffall, who will compete in .......

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