Wednesday, February 12, 2014

A Case Study in Stealth Jihad ... the Ingrid Mattson deception .... Part 2

I posted the comment below at someone named John E. Riutta's blog this morning.  Why do so many people like this man think that they know better than others because they read those weighty volumes,  whereas others who use commonsense have far more knowledge than these morons?
"Maybe when you get the chance, I know you are kept very busy singing the praises of Ingrid Mattson and her books, which includes the Koran-her-style, you should visit this website give a listen to someone who is able to explain whatever it is you are brainwashed with,  with the truth behind whatever it is you are reading.  Just keeping your head inside books without raising your eyes to what's happening around us because of the writings in the Koran, makes you a very dumb person.  That's my personal opinion of you and of course you can dismiss me as a bigot and hater.  That's your opinion and your right."
Below is the beginning of his long love letter to  Ingrid Mattson.  He, of course, made sure she saw what he had written by tweeting the link to her and his piece is now being linked by other stealth jihadists (see how he and others in the comments section have managed to talk about free Korans that can be mailed to those wanting to read them.)  

We are our own worst enemies .... this man is an example of that.

Now back to my Olympics watching.   The Figure Skating events are about to start.

John E Riutta at his blog says:
....Not so very long ago,  in the middle of a casual chat with a long-time acquaintance in a local café, I made a comment that changed the entire direction of the conversation, “You know, just this morning I read in the Qur’ān that…”

No sooner had I finished my sentence than my conversational partner – completely side-stepping the observation I had made – quizzically asked “Why are you reading the Qur’ān?”

I was momentarily struck dumb. Why am I reading the Qur’ān? Why wouldn’t I be reading the Qur’ān? After all, I had just spent the previous year reading the entirety of the King James Version of the Bible, including its often overlooked Apocrypha; thus my now taking up the Qur’ān made perfectly logical sense to me. It continues the direct lineage of the faiths collectively known as the People of the Book, it’s the guiding scripture of over a billion of the world’s presently living inhabitants, and it’s a book I had not previously read.

However my inquirer would have none of this. That I had spent a year daily working my way through the King James Version made perfect sense and was even laudable to her, “but the Qur’ān…” She then began equivocating somewhat disconnectedly, bouncing through assorted themes that betrayed her entire understanding of the book to have come from the all-too-often sensationalistic popular American media.

“Have you ever read it for yourself?” I gently interrupted.

“Good heavens no!” she exclaimed. “Why would I?”.............

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