Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Is the Muslim Brotherhood blackmailing US politicians into making like zombies?

Obama and gang being in bed with the Muslim Brotherhood, that we never had a doubt about ... but to see more and more Republicans (besides the vile and senile McCain and his insipid sidekick Graham)  so hellbent on selling America to Muslims is not only sad but terrifying.  I often wonder if the Muslims have caught these politicians in compromising sexual or "bribe-taking" situations and are using proof of such wrongdoings to make them into their willing puppets.  How else can we make sense of  their actions?
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Walid Shoebat writing at FreedomOutpost:
.......Unclassified documents and emails,  never published in Western media until now, regarding the secret Muslim Brotherhood spy working for the America Embassy in Cairo, are being presented in the trial of Mohammed Mursi. They reveal the activities of a liaison between the U.S. Embassy in Cairo and the Muslim Brotherhood's most senior leaders. Though employed by the embassy, Ahmed Aleiba does not have diplomatic immunities and was arrested by Egyptian authorities last month, according to the New York Times Bureau Chief, David Kirkpatrick.

The trial, which begins on February 16th, will determine if Muslim Brotherhood Deputy Khairat Al-Shater and ousted Egyptian President Mohammed Mursi will be convicted. Much of the case rests on their dealings with Aleiba, who sent emails in his capacity as a U.S. embassy employee. One of those emails, originated on June 6, 2012 – prior to Mohammed Mursi's election – implicates a Republican U.S. Congressman.
The email was sent to al-Shater. On June 10th, Aleiba – using an official U.S. State Department email address – forwarded that same email to al-Shater again with additional information. Al-Shater then forwarded the email to what appears to be Mursi adviser Essam el-Haddad (eelhaddad@gmail.com). It is important to note that el-Haddad was an adviser to Mursi and documents we published last month showed that he was in secret meetings with representatives of Sudan's Islamic Da'wa Organization (IDO). Essam's son – Gehad el-Haddad – has a history that includes five years as an employee of the Clintons.........

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