Tuesday, February 18, 2014

If there's water on Mars, then there must be some sort of life there too ....

otherwise our entire Evolution  theory that without water, or at least water vapor,  life could not have spurted on Earth is shot to hell. If there is indeed water, or water vapor on Mars but no life ... then back the atheists will have to retrace their steps  to God and the Adam & Eve theory.  Right?

Would dry ice give rise to organisms?  Let's wait and see what Curiosity has to show us as it travels further and further into Mars' unknown terrority.  Vid below tries to explain the recent "finger shaped" pic making scientists go a bit gaga.  If it's dry ice making those indentations, would the vapors from the dry ice start some kind of organisms or not?  So many questions and the answers are not coming fast enough from Curiosity for all us curious folks.

From CNN:
...The presence of water on Mars is often talked about in the past tense -- as in, billions of years in the past. But researchers have found clues that water could be flowing in the present, at least during warm seasons.
Researchers at Georgia Institute of Technology are looking at dark features on Martian slopes that are finger-shaped. They appear and disappear seasonally.

These flows represent the best suggestion we know of that Mars has water right now, scientists say. The study is published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters.
In 2011, Lujendra Ojha and his colleagues announced the evidence for possible saltwater flows on Mars. They published a study in the journal Science based on data from the HiRISE camera aboard NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter....

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