Saturday, January 25, 2014

Will Ukraine become a member of the EU instead of Turkey?

Good informative article on the Ukraine situation.  I had a lot of "whys" and most are answered by the article below which was written over a month ago.  The only unanswered questions are: Will Ukraine split and will part of it remain under Russia's influence and the rest go to the EU  and which  countries were/are involved in the instigation of the ongoing "revolution"  ... I know Canada is one.

James Brooke writing at VoiceOfAmerica:
.....From East to West,    Ukraine is longer than Italy, from the Alps to the heel of the boot.

In Northern Italy, people look to Switzerland and Germany. In Southern Italy, people look to Greece, Malta and Libya.

Similarly, Western Ukrainians look to Poland, Austria and Germany. People consider themselves European to the core. City halls in Western Ukraine now fly European Union flags. In schools, children study German and Polish. This new post-Soviet generation speaks Russian poorly, if at all.

Travel 1,200 kilometers to the East, and Ukrainians look to Russia. They produce goods that are exported to Russia. They speak Russian. The Soviet generation often has a hard time speaking Ukrainian, the national language.

For three years as President, Viktor Yanukovch has tried to balance these two sides, roughly comparable to the way pre-Civil War U.S. presidents tried to keep America’s house together by waffling on slavery.

Now, the European Union and the Kremlin are telling Ukraine: make your choice!

This winter, in the biggest political crisis since Ukraine won independence in 1991, foot soldiers for both sides are on the march...........

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