Saturday, January 25, 2014

Home takeovers by violent you-know-who

Read and weep a little for what's happening to Canada because the people you voted for are all whores  of the worst sort.

Danielle Bell writing at OttawaSun:
.....It's an unbelievable crime   most of us probably can't quite grasp.

Home takeovers.
A group of people up to no good -- thugs, really -- literally take over your home. Your home becomes their new base to carry out their criminal activities -- drug deals, gang activity.

These lowlifes target the most vulnerable people -- people who are recovering from addictions and can't protect themselves. Or seniors who are bewildered and scared for their lives. Or adults who have mental disabilities.

In all cases, they are too scared to speak, too terrified to call the police, too frightened for their safety or that of their loved ones. They live in poor areas, sometimes live on the fringes of society, sometimes have their own issues with police. They believe they are helpless.
Home takeovers -- call it urban terrorism.
It's still hard to believe. Someone just knocks on your door, barges in and takes over? You have no connection to them? Really, in Ottawa?
So far this year, Ottawa Police know of five home takeovers. Last year, there were 35.
It can happen in may different ways. You don't know the person befriending you is a drug dealer -- until he moves in and takes over. At first, your new friend is just hanging out, then he starts to invite friends over. Then one day, they just never leave and the threats begin...............

Charged are:
Abdullah Adoyta, 21: Faces 16 charges including carrying a concealed weapon, possessing a firearm obtained by crime, forcible confinement, six counts of failing to comply with conditions of his release and drug possession.
Ismail Barkhadle, 23: Faces 12 charges including carrying a concealed weapon, possessing a firearm obtained by crime, forcible confinement, four counts of failing to comply with conditions of his release.
Hakim Karod, 23: Faces six charges including forcible confinement, three counts of breach of probation, possessing proceeds of crime and possession of drugs for the purpose of trafficking.
Amin Osman-Ali, 21: Four charges including forcible confinement, possession for the purpose of trafficking and failing to comply with sentencing conditions.
Abdulaziz Al-Enzi, 26: Charged with forcible confinement, possessing proceeds of crime and drug possession.
Yonis Barkhadle, 22: Six charges including forcible confinement, possession of proceeds of crime, drug possession and trafficking, and failing to comply with release conditions.
Yaqoub Ali, 27: Charged with forcible confinement, possession of proceeds of crime, drug trafficking.
Mahad Ismail, 21: Charged with forcible confinement.


  1. It burns me arse that those types don't get deported after serving their sentence. Why is that?
    Oh yeah, I forgot, the judicial system is run by idiots and politicians.

  2. Are they immigrants or refugees? Deport their asses back to the hell hole they came from save money and make it safer!

    1. With the kind of conflicts happening in the Muslim countries, it would be safe to surmise that these criminals are refugees. Our refugee policy is what needs to be overhauled and overhauled pronto.
      With all the turmoil ongoing at present in the Muslim world, the UN (masters of the world) must have already sent their demands to the Canadian govt. giving a figure that needs to be granted refugee status. I once requested the Immigration dept. to supply me with a list of the UN's demands and they told me to file an "information request" for which I would have to pay. I didn't ... because I didn't care enough and don't have enough to spend on such.


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