Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Will Egypt lead the way in pulling the Middle East from its cavemen era

A secular Egypt will be a powerhouse to reckon with for all around it.  Nothing they do of late is an issue for criticism by those who are clear thinkers.  Great going !!

A hit at the Al Jazeera network is a hit at Qatar and also a mild one at Saudi Arabia.  Nice!

Sarah El Deeb of AP via YahooNews:
....Egypt to put 20 Al-Jazeera journalists on trial for allegedly joining, aiding terrorist group.
Egypt said 20 journalists, including four foreigners, working for Al-Jazeera will face trial on charges of joining or aiding a terrorist group and endangering national security — an escalation that raised fears of a crackdown on freedom of the press.
It was the first time authorities have put journalists on trial on terror-related charges, suggesting authorities are expanding the reach of a heavy-handed crackdown on the Muslim Brotherhood since the military's ouster of Islamist President Mohammed Morsi on July 3.
A trial date was not set, and the full list of charges and names of defendants not yet issued. But they are known to include three men working for Al-Jazeera English — acting bureau chief Mohammed Fahmy, a Canadian-Egyptian, award-winning correspondent Peter Greste of Australia and producer Baher Mohamed, an Egyptian. The three were arrested on Dec. 29 in a raid on the hotel suites where they have been operating from.
The charges are based on the government's designation last month of the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization. Authorities have long depicted the Qatar-based Al-Jazeera network as biased toward Morsi and the Brotherhood. But police largely targeted its Arabic service and its Egyptian affiliate, and while journalists have been detained the decision to refer cases to trial is unprecedented.
Al-Jazeera denies bias and has demanded the release of its reporters, whose arrest sparked an outcry from rights groups and journalist protection organizations. Authorities have also denied the network's reporters accreditation.....

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