Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Bombshell from the Liberal Party of Canada

What a well placed resounding slap at the Conservative govt. of Stephen Harper!!  Serves the PM right for dilly-dallying on the issue of dismantling the Senate and having only elected senators and not appointed ones.  One up for the Liberals. Well done!

There could be something like a scandal or worse behind it all ... but until that's revealed this move by the Liberals will be seen by many as a very positive one.  

James Cudmore writing at CBC:
Justin Trudeau has expelled from his caucus every single Liberal member of the upper house and has declared there is no longer any such thing as a Liberal Senator.

The Liberal leader said the former members of the Liberal Senate caucus will sit as Independents, and they will have no formal ties to the Liberal parliamentary machinery apart from through their friendships.

Trudeau's decision will see some lifelong Liberals and key party operators and fundraisers removed from the party's caucus and forced outside its inner circles – a foundation-shaking decision in a business where power is derived from membership in a political club and the ability to access its best back rooms. 

"The 32 formerly Liberal senators are now independent of the national Liberal caucus," Trudeau said. "They are no longer part of our parliamentary team. There are no more Liberal senators. 

"The only way to be a part of the Liberal caucus is to be put there by the people of Canada."
The move stunned both Liberal senators and senior Liberal Senate staffers, who had not been formally advised of the decision. It also blindsided veteran insiders and political observers who had no inkling about the change........


  1. That's a brilliant move by Justin. Too bad Harper didn't think of it first.

    1. Actually, the Libs stole Harper's original idea and improved on it. The PM dilly-dallied far too long because he wanted to be fair to all and instead of going ahead and dismantling the Senate he instead put the entire file before the Supreme Court to see if what he wanted to do was legal. The Libs have no such qualms.


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